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Articles of Interest

Check here for Paranormal News and Information


  • Here's an article written by our Team Member, Kari Barnett...


                Paranormal Team Explores The Unexplained in South Florida

  • Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP) Click the icon below

What Is An EVP and How to Conduct an EVP Session

  • Not sure of what TYPE of Haunting you may have? Click the icon below

Types of Hauntings

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  • Click the link for an Article about SLEEP PARALYSIS which could very well be the cause for many claims of Paranormal Activity.              waking-up-and-being-unable-to-move/

  • Listen to the Curve The Cube Podcast featuring Team Members, Kari Barnett, Pam Czarnecki and Donna Clevenger . We discuss all things Paranormal with host, Jemmy Legagneur. Click on the box below.

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