Researching the unusual in Palm Beach Co. FL and beyond since 2007
Paranormal Researchers of South Florida
Meet The PROS Florida Team

DIANE STUCKART – Founding Member & Senior Researcher
Diane is a native Texan but has lived in the Sunshine State almost long enough now to call herself a Floridian. She's had a life-long interest in the paranormal and loves cemeteries for their peaceful and historic nature. A New York Times bestselling author of mystery novels, she incorporates supernatural elements into many of her fiction works. She considers herself an open-minded skeptic.

DONNA CLEVENGER - Senior Researcher & Data Analyst
Donna Clevenger is originally from New Jersey and has lived in South Florida for over 30 years. She's married with four grown children, three granddaughters, one cat named Boots and a Big Dog named Buster. Donna currently works as a Digital Merchandiser for a Health & Wellness Company. Although she's had several paranormal experiences, it was one specific occurrence that caused her to search for answers. She investigates with an open mind, but also with the knowledge that not every bump in the night is "Paranormal."

KARI BARNETT - Senior Researcher
Kari is an editor extraordinaire, ghosthunter, purse hoarder, and whatnot.

DAVID BATES – Senior Researcher , Videographer & Photographer
David has lived in Palm Beach County since 1952. He’s a graduate of Riviera Beach High School (Class of ’69) and has been interested in the paranormal since the early 1970’s. David says he has “a very open mind to just about anything.” He is ready with his video
camera and various other equipment to assist you with your paranormal problems.

DIANE PEEPLES - Senior Researcher
Diane Peeples, originally from Paterson NJ, now lives in Boynton Beach, FL. The mother of 3 grown sons, she works in Retail. Diane developed an interest in the Paranormal due to experiences beginning in early childhood.

Danielle was born in Houston, TX. She has lived in Oregon up until 3 months ago when she & her family moved to Florida. She has a teenage son, 4 ferrets & a chubby chihuahua. Danielle started a Tiny House business after finding a new love for the Tiny Movement & living minimally. She grew up with a curiosity of the Paranormal. Danielle’s amazing Mom helped nurture this love with horror/paranormal movie marathons her whole life. Danielle has investigated on her own for over 15 years, but it wasn’t until her family bought a 1918 Craftsman home in Oregon that she saw her 1st full body apparition. Danielle approaches each investigation with the ability to debunk noises, odors & visual anomalies using skills gained through years of experience in the construction industry, networking (A/V) fields and over a decade of studying the paranormal. She's interviewed multiple professionals in the Medical Field & made speeches about Life after Death to crowds of skeptics with eye witness accounts from professionals such as Nurses & Brain Surgeons & their interactions with unexplained visits, apparitions & patients stories. My goal with joining the team is to help others & bring awareness & knowledge to a society that needs a little hope in understanding that there’s more to be discovered about the afterlife.